ETK 800 Series
Whatever. Whenever. But always excellent.

A car as versatile as you

Exactly what you need for your family

For enjoying life

The perfect vehicle for your business needs

When driving a car is more to you than transportation

The all new Fastback Sedan

The ETK 800 with its infinite options is the right car for anybody looking for both practicality, safety and comfort. It offers a wide model range, including a Wagon, Sedan and even Fastback version. Simply scroll down to learn more about the all new ETK 800.
ETK 800 Wagon

Productivity. Family. Fun.
The ETK 800 Wagon combines the excellent build quality and comfort of a luxury car with the productivity, space and safety of a wagon. So whether you're looking for the perfect family car or a vehicle to get your work done with comfort, the 800 Wagon is perfect.
It is one of the most modern cars on the market, sporting a complete ETK safety package, including auto-braking, lane stability control and many other features potentially saving your life one day even in the base version, starting at $41,000.
If you want to get a spacious, luxurious car for your family but don't want so sacrifice the fun of driving a dedicated sports car, look no further than the ttSport and ttSport+ versions, featuring 327 HP, 470 Nm of torque and a 0-60 time of just 4.6 seconds, making this the fastest wagon on sale right now. To accompany all that power, the ttSport versions come with the best interior we ever built, made of genuie leather from North America. Starting at $57,000.
The ETK 800 Wagon is the best car in class currently on sale wordwide, and it might just be perfect for you. Come check it out now at you local ETK dealer.




ETK 800 Sedan

Whatever the day brings.
The ETK 800 Sedan combines everything good about the Wagon with the sheer elegace of a Sedan body. You get all the same performance, luxury and safety combined with the business oriented Sedan form factor. This is the perfect car for anybody who wants an ETK with a lot of space, and just doesn't like wagons all that much.
The ETK 800 Sedan is starting at $40,000.
ETK 800 Coupe

Style combined with Sport.
The ETK 800 Coupe is the perfect car for anybody looking for a luxurious, no compromises sports car, built for the track and perfected for the road. Even the base model has been tested at the Nürburgring and carefully crafted to fully statisfy both your daily and your track car needs. It is the most affordable sports car ETK has ever built.
Starting at $45,000, test drive it now at your local ETK dealership.
ETK 800 Scalota

Fastback brought back.
It was the 1967 Fastback version of the Ford Mustang that made possible its jump to the mainstream, boosting both sales and improving looks massively. And that's what the ETK 800 Scalota Fastback is here for. It combines the excellent quality and safety of tha wagon with the professional looks of the Sedan, just slighty perfecting them with the Fastback rear end. The whole platform was newly developed to make this the best Fastback car ever preoduced, starting at $40,000.
ETK 800 Convertible

Living life to its fullest.
Wind in your hair, comfortable seats and great handling - does it get better? Well, if you know that feeling you'd say no, but the ETK 800 Convertible is here to prove you wrong. Its completely re-engineered body makes possible a roof-down experience like never before, retainig the excellent handling of other 800 models, while making it possible to put down the roof and enjoy life in the most comfortable and high quality interior of any convertible on sale.
And if cruising isn't enough for you, the ETK 800 Convertible even comes in the ttSport versions - with the exact same engine and suspension as you know them from other ETK 800 models, but now with the option to feel the wind in your hair while breaking track records and enjoying mountain roads.
All of that can be yours for just $45,000.
Any questions? Still can't decide? Then chat with one of our ETK personal assistants!
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